Thematic Areas

 Fresh produce, especially fruit and vegetables, are increasingly on the top of consumers’ to-buy list. Not only wholesome and health-promoting, fresh foods are also an ideal private label product. Marca Fresh is the exclusive format for sustainable innovation in the fruit and vegetable sector, a show-within-a-show where, together with SG Marketing, BolognaFiere turns the spotlight on this sector’s strategic role. Participants will receive in-depth analyses of the market as well as have exchange and networking opportunities - all essential to keep abreast of a fast-changing market sector.

 This 5th edition of Marca Fresh will occupy an even larger area or more than 800 m2 in which to do business and explore key sector topics. It’s an exclusive opportunity where producers can meet with modern retailers and buyers from the major chain stores but also get updates on consumer trends, learn about best-case examples, and measure themselves against new market requirements.

Find out about Marca Fresh 2025 events